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My Mighty SELf  LLC

Serving the MS Gulf Coast 

Super Hero Kids

A Business Offering Social Emotional Learning (SEL) & Development Services for Youth (Ages 5-13), Families, and Adults

Welcome to

My Mighty SELf

Welcome to My Mighty SELf, LLC, where the journey of social-emotional learning and development begins! I am M'Lissa Parker, the founder and heart behind this venture—a devoted single mother of two young adults, who has also navigated through many mental health challenges. My personal and professional experiences have fueled my passion for creating a space where individuals of all ages can embark on a transformative journey towards understanding, managing, and celebrating their emotions by using Social Emotional Learning (SEL).

Empower the Champion Within!

What Is SEL?

Broadly speaking, social and emotional learning (SEL) refers to the process through which individuals learn and apply a set of social, emotional, and related skills, attitudes, behaviors, and values that help direct their thoughts, feelings, and actions in ways that enable them to succeed in school, work, and life. 


My Mighty Self, LLC offers unique social skills lessons and specialized SEL strategies targeted to enhance self-regulation and emotional confidence; build strong relationships; create safe-calming climates, cultures, and environments; nourish growing mindsets, and promote positive outcomes with ongoing results.  By partnering with families and communities, my goal is to increase SEL awareness and develop fundamental skills that enhance peace, love, and harmony internally and externally across diverse environments and populations.

Benefits of SEL Programs - Evidence Based Research 

"Our new findings provide robust evidence and a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of SEL: positive effects that matter for student success in the short and long term, across the K-12 academic lifespan, and across a range of SEL programs and outcomes."

 Christina Cipriano, PhD Yale School of Medicine

Yale School of Medicine

"Furthermore, research indicates that high-quality, evidence-based programs and policies that promote these skills among students can improve physical and mental well-being, academic outcomes, and college and career readiness and success."

- The EASEL Lab 

Harvard Graduate School of Education

Packages & Services

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Birthday of Child
SEL Services Provided for:

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